
What to Consider when Choosing a Contraceptive Method

Are you looking for a board-certified obstetrician or gynecologist for birth control in San Antonio? If yes, then you should consider visiting Bluebonnet OB/GYN for medical advice and contraception options. Everybody is different. What works for you might not be the same for someone else. Understanding how different birth control methods work can help you determine which one is right for you. But that can only happen when you consult the right professional. Here are some things you need to consider when choosing a contraceptive method.

Which contraception is right for you?

While contraception may prevent you from getting unwanted pregnancies, it might not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Using a condom every time you have sexual intercourse is the only way to protect you from these diseases. But if both you and your sexual partner have already been screened for STDs and you have been rendered safe, then the following questions can help you choose the right contraceptive.

Are all the methods effective?

Ever wondered why some contraceptive methods fail? Currently, there are about 15 different methods available for you to choose from. However, not all of them are effective. For example, if a specific contraceptive method is 99% effective, some women who use it may get pregnant. It can only help you when it is used correctly.

Do you need the daily pill or 5-10 year contraceptives?

Some people have sex daily, while others may wait for more than a week or month to engage in it. If you fall among the latter, you can consider using a condom each time you have sex. Alternatively, an everyday pill can also be effective if you are well-organized.

If you do not want to think about a contraceptive for months or years, getting a professional to recommend the best birth control is essential. For example, an IUD or implant can take up to ten years, depending on the type. If by any circumstance you get pregnant before the contraceptive method expires, it means it was inserted incorrectly or maybe your hormones do not agree with it.

Can contraception interrupt your menstrual cycle?

Most women that go for the intrauterine system (IUS) have always complained of changes in periods. At first, they may bleed for the first three months, then experience little to no periods in the following years. What you need to understand is that birth control methods work differently. So, if you are experiencing heavier flow or more irregular periods, then you should ask your gynecologist to find out what went wrong, and if it is established that the particular contraceptive method does not work for you, it might be removed.

See an expert to help you choose the right birth control for you

While contraceptives are designed to be 99% effective, they might not be perfect for you. You need to work with your gynecologist to find the one that fits into your life perfectly. To find the answers to questions you have regarding birth control methods, book an appointment with your gynecologist today.