Psychiatry is a science which deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental illness.
While some people face panic attacks many times in their lives, some face recurrent panic attacks or have constant fear for panic attacks. Psychiatry in Glendale, AZ deals with panic disorders in several ways; these include CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) or TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation).
Initially, the assessment of a person’s mental health starts with a case history and brain examination. Combined treatment with therapy and medication has become the most essential and standard mode of psychiatric treatment.
The psychiatric procedure takes place in a wide variety of settings which many health professionals perform. People who undergo a psychiatric assessment are evaluated by a psychiatrist based on their physical or mental evaluation.
Panic disorder
Panic disorder is a feeling of anxiety where the person has regular attacks of fear and panic.
The main role of a psychiatrist is to find the major stressor; the stressor can be a thought or a traumatic event. Anything that could lead to a panic attack can be classified as a stressor.
Roles of the psychiatrist in panic disorder:
- The therapist will help the client in identifying their negative thinking pattern. A person thinks about how they view themselves and the world, and how they feel during the panic attack. By knowing the patient’s thoughts, the psychiatrist begins to recognize the typical pattern and how it influences the patient’s behavior.
- The psychiatrist uses a wide variety of activities and exercises to help the patient become aware of their negative thoughts and tries to replace negative thoughts with healthy emotions and ways of thinking.
- The patient is encouraged to write in a journal or maintain a diary, which helps the patient conquer negative thinking with positive thoughts.
- The psychiatrist will help to change the maladaptive behavior by building healthy strategies. The patient will learn to develop skills in reducing stress, fear and managing anxiety during panic disorder.
- By introducing the patient with a desensitization method, the psychiatrist introduces the patient to anxiety-producing stimuli, which makes the person develop healthier ways to cope with the panic symptoms and fear-inducing situations.
- The psychiatrist will introduce relaxation techniques that help to remain calm during a panic attack. These skills allow the patient to manage fears, keep the heart rate regular, reduce tension, and advise the patient to take normal breathing during the attack.
The therapy method is not the same for all; different patients have to be treated in different ways. A psychiatrist identifies the problem and comes up with a unique strategy each time for every patient.