
November 2021


How Telemedicine Can Change Your Medical Care Experience

The use of telehealth in Bakersfield continues to improve patient experience in seeking medical care today thanks to advancements in technology. More facilities and healthcare providers have adopted the technology, and you can now get your care more conveniently at the comfort of your home. Therefore, ensure you look for providers who have adopted the technology to enjoy the awesome benefits with the understanding that it keeps on evolving and more benefits can be unveiled as you use it. Here are several ways telemedicine can improve your health care. Have a look.

Provides More Convenient and Accessible Care

This is the driving force behind telemedicine today. Technological advancement is aimed at offering more accessible and convenient healthcare for every patient. For the same reason, telemedicine was originally developed in America, particularly to address health care issues in rural areas. Globally, telemedicine provides basic healthcare even in third-world countries, ensuring that no one is left behind. Additionally, even if you have old loved ones who might have challenges traveling to the hospital to seek medical care, they can effectively see their doctor from home. Therefore, telemedicine can break your geographical barriers to seeking medical care and help you access healthcare more conveniently.

Minimized Costs

The total expenditure on seeking medical care can be high when you have to travel to the hospital, often depending on the nature of your condition, when you can get the services at home. Telemedicine can cut your total medical expenditure as you will only incur costs on the necessary services. You will avoid unnecessary spending on fuel, unnecessary ER visits, and medical non-adherence. Additionally, it saves you travel time which you can utilize to maximize your income and minimize losses on your job.

Your Access to Specialists is Expanded

Some health complications might require consultations from different health practitioners, which might be limited when moving from one place to another. But telemedicine makes this very simple. Even one medical practice can design its system to access different medical specialists with ease. Additionally, it makes it easier for your primary doctor or other providers to consult other experts on your medical issue with ease. This means you can see different providers concerning your issue no matter your location.

Stronger Doctor-Patient Relationship

Sometimes seeing a doctor in the office may not promote a good doctor-patient relationship as your doctor has to attend to many patients, and you might catch them when they are exhausted. However, you can plan for your appointment at the most appropriate time with your doctor through telemedicine, improving the kind of care experience you get. You will be able to engage your doctor actively, more frequently, and conveniently, which will strengthen your relationship with your doctor.

Improved Quality Care

Telemedicine makes it easier for your provider to follow up on you, unlike during normal settings. Your provider might have given you special instructions following your treatment and will be able to follow up and see that everything is going well. No matter where you are, your doctor can reach you and see your environment and how you are recovering to ensure all is well. This will eventually lead to better care outcomes and minimize chances of complications.

Book your telemedicine consultation appointment today at Heart Vascular & Leg Center to learn more about the service. Remember that some conditions will require visits to the hospital. Therefore, it is good to understand what conditions can be well managed through telemedicine and which cannot. 

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Your Questions Regarding Gastric Bypass Answered

Gastric bypass surgery is a common weight loss surgery that helps people to lose weight. This treatment also helps improve other conditions associated with obesity, such as diabetes and high cholesterol. For people with weight issues, gastric bypass can be an effective and life-changing treatment. If you are interested in weight loss surgery, the first step is to consult a bariatric surgeon. Specialists perform gastric bypass in Frisco to help individuals overcome weight-related conditions. Here is everything you need to know about Gastric Bypass surgery, the risks and benefits, and how it works before and after surgery.

Who is the right candidate for gastric bypass?

Not all obese people need this procedure. Eligibility for weight loss surgery depends on your body mass index (BMI), which measures body fat using height and weight. To qualify for gastric bypass surgery, you must have a BMI greater than or equal to 40.  

Your doctor may recommend gastric bypass if you have a BMI of more than 35 or more. There is an underlying medical condition such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, asthma, acid reflux, or liver disease.

Also, if you have a BMI of 30 to 35 with an existing diabetes condition, your doctor may suggest you undergo this procedure.

What to expect during surgery 

Gastric bypass involves reshaping the stomach to limit the amount of food it can hold. As a result, it limits the number of calories the body can absorb, a process known as malabsorption.

During the procedure, part of your stomach is detached and connected to the middle of the small intestine, bypassing part of the digestive tract.

As a result, your body absorbs fewer calories, so you feel full after eating less. Typically, your surgeon inserts certain devices into the abdomen through small incisions in a procedure known as laparoscopic surgery.

What are the possible complications?

Laparoscopic surgery is considered safe and has the added benefit of shorter hospital stays and a lower risk of complications compared to open surgery. However, complications may occur in negligible cases, including infection at the surgery site and effects of anesthesia.

In addition, gastric bypass changes the way your body metabolizes food and nutrients. Hence, certain nutrient deficiencies may be common after surgery.

Your doctor monitors your nutrients level after surgery to make sure you stay healthy. If you have low levels of any nutrients, the doctor may prescribe supplements such as folate, iron, vitamin D, and vitamin B12.

Most patients are concerned about their physical appearance after surgery. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict whether you will have excess skin after surgery or not. However, the final way to get rid of excess skin is through a cosmetic procedure known as body contouring.

Gastric bypass leads to weight loss in the short and long term. While there are some potential side effects, such as nutritional deficiencies, you will see a significant improvement in your quality of life during the first year after surgery. Contact the specialists at LoneStar Bariatrics for assessment and treatment.

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How to Prevent Yourself from Blood Infections at Home

Blood is the main component that travels from one organ to another. If it is running in our veins, it means that we are alive and functioning. During any medical condition, blood is the vital part that gives the exact cause of the problem. Blood infections may be common and can be treated with the help of a healthcare provider. In severe cases, advanced techniques such as Frisco stem cell therapy have to be performed to treat various infections and medical problems. If you have encountered any blood infection, you must take preventive measures to prevent it from getting worse. 

Get yourself vaccinated 

One of the preventive measures for blood infections is vaccination. It is suggested to get all your shots well on time. These days, the vaccine of coronavirus has been invented and offered at all government-approved hospitals. You must get vaccinated so that your body does not get infections of any kind. The common cause of sepsis is bacteria and other reasons may include chickenpox, pneumonia, and influenza. If you want to get rid of all these viruses and live a healthy life, you must get your vaccination without any delay. The vaccine builds protection and helps it fight the virus.

Get yourself tested

If you feel sick and tired all the time, it is suggested to get your blood test done from a reputed and reliable laboratory.  With the test reports, a health care practitioner will be able to analyze the condition and give you the suitable medication to get rid of any blood infections. Another test is the urine test, in which the presence of any inflammation and infection can be observed. Depending on the severity of the problem, the doctor will take preventive measures.

Take all the antibiotics properly

If you want to get rid of the blood infections and prevent them from getting worse, you must stick to the schedule to take all your antibiotics well on time. These medications kill the bacteria causing infection in the blood. The infections should be treated and monitored properly. You may have to get the blood tested again after taking the medicines to rule out any possibility of the presence of infection in the blood.

It is suggested to drink plenty of water so that the toxins are removed from the body. It will purify your blood naturally. You should wash your hands properly and keep all your wounds clean. 

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Signs that Indicate that You Should Look for an Orthopedic Doctor in New Jersey 

Back pain, joint pain, etc., and other such bone-related issues can occur at any time in your life. It can be because of twisting and turning, lifting heavy objects, handling some work continuously, and so on. There is a limit to the work that your bones can handle, and if you overexert your body, then you may end up with many issues. 

James Lee, Jr., MD in Orange, New Jersey works for the team of the Orange Orthopedic Associates. This orthopedic expert believes in coming up with treatment strategies that can work in the favor of the patients. You can visit him for many kinds of issues such as hip replacement, shoulder replacement, ACL tear, rotator cuff, and so on. Visit their website and book an appointment today. 

Why Visit an Orthopedic Specialist? 

Here are some of the many reasons that can make you book an appointment with an orthopedic doctor today. 

Shoulder Pain 

Increased pain during the night times in the shoulder is something that many people suffer from in today’s world. The problem may continue while lifting some objects, or while doing some work that puts pressure on any particular shoulder. It is a sign to look for an orthopedic doctor. 

Issues with Daily Activities 

As a person ages, they tend to experience joint pain and discomfort. However, these discomforts should not hinder one’s daily routine, and if it is doing so, then it is time to consult an orthopedic doctor. 

Problem to Climb the Stairs 

Joints in the hips are structures that can get easily worn out over the years. This results in causing difficulties to climb the stairs in some individuals. Such people should consult an orthopedic doctor immediately. 

Chronic Pain 

Any pain that lasts more than 12 weeks is called chronic pain. Such issues should not be ignored and should be brought to the attention of an orthopedic specialist. 

Numbness or Tingling Sensations in the Hands 

Carpal syndrome is a condition that causes a tingling sensation or numbness in the first three fingers in the hands. When you feel like you cannot hold things or feel tingling sensations in your hands, then it is time to consult an orthopedic doctor. 

Tight Joints 

After a certain age or due to some underlying issues, the joints start becoming tight and limiting your daily motions. When this happens, book an appointment with your orthopedic doctor immediately. 

Joint or muscle pain should never be ignored for a long time. They indicate that you need the attention of an orthopedic doctor. Know the signs and make a wise decision. 

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IUI – A Cost-Effective Fertility Treatment Performed in Fertility Clinics in Celebration, FL

While IVF is the most common procedure that is used in fertility clinics to help couples in conceiving who are otherwise unable to get pregnant, in certain conditions IUI treatment can boost your chances at half the cost, time, and minimum requirement of invasive techniques. 

In many fertility clinics, including the Center for Reproductive medicine based in Florida, you have to undergo certain rounds of IUI before you can try IVF as the fertility treatment. IUI in Celebration and Winter Park locations of this clinic is done if there is male factor fertility issue like low sperm count or the problem is with the hostility of the cervical mucus that prevents sperm from reaching the uterus. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis as it does not require anesthesia and aftercare. 

IUI – The procedure and its success rate

It is the process by which sperm is artificially inseminated directly in the uterine cavity with the use of a catheter that bypasses the cervix. The steps followed during the IUI procedure performed in a fertility clinic in Celebration, FL is:

  • You will be given a course of Clomid or Letrozole to stimulate the ovulation process. 
  • You will be monitored at different days of your cycle to determine the date when the egg will be released.
  • Approximately 24 hours before egg release, you will be given the appointment for conducting IUI. 
  • Your male partner or a semen donor will provide a fresh semen sample which will go through a laboratory procedure to extract sperms. 
  • Sperms are then mixed with some liquid which is loaded into a syringe attached to a catheter which is the size of a pen-tip. 
  • The catheter is passed through the vagina into the uterine cavity where sperms are directly injected to increase chances of conception.

You can feel mild cramps or get light spotting after the procedure. IUI has the following success rates depending upon the cause of infertility:

  • 8-10% for every IUI cycle if the reason behind infertility is abnormal sperm count, quantitatively or qualitatively.
  • 18-20% when the reason behind infertility is not known.
  • 5% success rate in cases of tubal infertility. 

Any female who has severe endometriosis, adhesions, or pelvic inflammatory disease should get these conditions treated before opting for IUI. Also, if you have a low ovarian reserve or your partner has an extremely low sperm count, your chances of having success with IUI decrease. 

Get a thorough evaluation by a fertility specialist and let them make a treatment plan that best suits your condition. They will perform necessary diagnostics and analyze every factor including your age, medical condition, and your budget, to suggest the right treatment and will also educate you through the process to reduce your stress levels. 

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Fixing Your Sleep Problems – Some Steps to be Taken Yourself

Sleep disorders can be a common problem in many people. It may be due to certain circumstances, like medical or psychological problems. Regardless of the reason, a sleep disorder can take away your ability to focus, think wisely, and even perform daily activities. You need to contact a sleep specialist who can analyze your condition and suggest the best treatment including Commack epigenetics if he finds that the problem is due to medical disorders. Otherwise, you can consider following some effective steps to get rid of sleep disorders.

Don’t disturb your body clock 

It has been noticed that people ruin their routine by staying awake till midnight, playing on mobile phones, partying during weekends, drinking heavily, which affects their body and mind to a great extent. The body clock is disturbed, and the mind fails to understand when to release sleep hormones. It is the major reason for sleep-related disorders. In order to deal with this problem, you must stick to a healthy routine including sleeping and waking up at a specific time. The brain stimulates the hormones in a better way, so you will not have to struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep until morning.

Poor eating habits

At nighttime, our digestive system is slow, and the food, which we eat for dinner, takes more time to get digested. That’s why it is highly recommended not to eat heavy meals at night such as cheese, fast food, and oily food at night. It will result in acid flux when you sleep, and you will have a disturbed night’s sleep. It is a good idea to eat your dinner two hours before going to bed so that the food gets digested in a proper manner and you can enjoy a good sleep.

Exercises and a healthy lifestyle

One of the best ways to combat sleeping disorders is to perform certain physical activities such as running, jogging, brisk walking, swimming, and playing any game. This way, your body releases the sleep hormones naturally, as you feel tired and your body wants some rest. To get a good night’s sleep, it is important to indulge in these exercises and stay active.

Quitting smoking and excessive drinking can do wonders for your overall health. This is because these substances produce toxins in your body, which interfere with various bodily functions.  If you follow a proper regime and a healthy lifestyle, you are bound to sleep like a baby.

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Botox Treatment – A Few Useful Facts Revealed for Getting Best Results 

The cosmetic industry has advanced in such a manner that you can actually reverse the effects of aging. Botox is one of the treatments which can make you look younger and better. Many celebrities also opt for this procedure because their profession requires them to look beautiful all the time. If you want to look good and get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, you should consider Botox in McDonough. This non-surgical injectable treatment is majorly used in the cosmetic industry. Wrinkles and fine lines are the result of aging and may not go away naturally.

What Can Botox Treat?

It is important to know what you can be treated with the help of this procedure before contacting any dermatologist. Wrinkles can be controlled with this procedure which may not be possible otherwise no matter how hard you try. It is a FAD-approved safe method to relax the fine lines on your face. That’s why millions of people all over the world are using this method to look gorgeous. Some of the skin conditions that can be treated with this procedure are as follows:

  • Visible signs of aging 
  • Excessive sweating
  • TMJ and joint pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Migraines 

Tips to Increase the Benefits from Botox Treatment

If you want to receive maximum benefits from Botox treatment, you should keep in mind the below-mentioned tips:

Always Contact a Professional – One of the best ways to increase the benefits is to hire a qualified and experienced professional. You might find that a number of them claim to offer your desired results. You need to be careful about who you choose.

Follow Instructions Religiously – To maximize the benefits, you need to follow the instructions given by your doctor before and after the treatment. It is also recommended to communicate with your doctor if you face any issue rather than doing something on your own.

Don’t Touch the Affected Area – You should keep your hands off of the area where the injection has been given. This will prevent it from getting infected. Sometimes, the serum is spread all over the unaffected area, which can cause unpleasant results and other effects.

Stay Away from the Sun – The sun’s harmful rays should be avoided as much as you can. You should not come out under the sun and protect your face properly with a cloth if you want to increase the benefits of this procedure.

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Signs Indicating the Issue of Constipation – When To Visit A GI In Lima? 

Constipation is one of the many issues that can end up with some secondary symptoms such as headache, bloating, uneasiness, and so on. Even though jokes are made about the problem, one must get treated as early as possible by a GI to reduce the chances of suffering from something severe later. 

GI Physicians Inc. is a team of expert physicians that specialize in internal medicine in Lima, OH. You can get references from many expert gastroenterologists here and can book an appointment as early as possible. Visit their website to know more about their work. 

Causes of Constipation 

Here are some of the common causes of constipation:

  • Slow metabolism 
  • Poor hydration 
  • Abusing laxatives 
  • Lack of physical activities 
  • Pregnancy 
  • Stress 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Intake of high dairy diet
  • Medications
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Rectal or colon cancer

Treatment for Constipation 

  • The first and the most suggested treatment for constipation is making a change in your lifestyle. This change includes adding as many fiber-rich food items as possible to your daily diet. You should also follow a routine of exercises and take some laxatives. 
  • If the suggestions don’t work, then the next step is following the routine of pelvic muscle medications and training. The main goal is to make sure that the bowel movements are made easier for the patients.
  • Drink as much water as possible. The colon will absorb water present in the food items that you eat. If you do not drink enough water, then the body will take as much water as possible from the colon layer, resulting in making your stool thick and hard to pass. This results in constipation, and hence constant rehydration is suggested. 
  • The bathroom at home is like a known environment to your body, which will automatically make your mind relax and pass the stool easily. Hence, make sure to come up with a schedule that can make you carry out the bowel movement when at home. 
  • Do not follow the idea of holding a stool in when you feel the need to go. The more pressure that you add to your colon, the harder it will be to pass the stool later. 
  • Exercising and rehydration are the best ways of handling or even avoiding the constipation issue. You can find many exercises that can help you with your problem.

Constipation is a problem common in many because of their lifestyle. Instead of suffering later, it is suggested to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle starting today.

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Some Excellent Tips To Help You Successfully Quit Smoking

Many people get frustrated when they try and quit smoking as it is so hard to do and requires a lot of willpower and mental strength. Nicotine is highly addictive, and when you are going through withdrawal, the cravings and urges to smoke are intense. However, there are things that you can do to help you with the task and stop smoking for good. Below are some tips and advice to help you with your quest to stop smoking that you may find helpful and allow you to start living smoke-free.

Give Yourself A Reason To Quit

No matter what we do in our life, to be successful, we need to have focus and a purpose, and it is the same when quitting smoking. You will need to have a valid reason to stop, whether it is for your health, your wallet, or for the sake of your children. Having a solid reason to quit smoking can help you focus and find the willpower to battle your cravings.

Prepare Yourself Before Quitting

You will want to prepare yourself mentally for the task ahead when quitting smoking. You will soon go into withdrawal after your last smoke, and you may wish to speak to your doctor and see what support groups and counselling is available in your local area.

Consider NRT To Help You

NRT stands for Nicotine Replacement Therapy, and it can be an excellent tool to help you quit successfully. You can get an e-cigarette and tasty vape liquid, nicotine patches, gum, sprays, and lozenges that can all help control your nicotine cravings. Studies have shown that using NRT to help you manage your urges increases your chances of quitting successfully.

Get A Support Network

It will also aid your endeavours if you have a support network in place for the times when you are struggling. It will also help if your support network has gone through quitting smoking themselves, and they will have increased empathy for your situation and understand what you are going through.

Recognise Your Triggers

Everyone has triggers that make them want to smoke when trying to quit, and you will need to recognise what yours are. It may be after eating, drinking alcohol, or having your first cup of coffee in the morning. Whatever your triggers are, recognise them and try and remove yourself from those situations until you have more control over your addiction.

Find Something To Occupy Yourself When You Have A Craving

When you have a craving to smoke and struggle to control it, find something to occupy yourself, which can help take your mind off it. You can try going for a walk, doing some intense exercise, or cleaning the house. Whatever works for you, embrace it, so you do not turn back to smoking again.

Set Yourself A Goal & A Treat

You will save a considerable amount of money when you stop smoking, so you can put this money away and save up for something to treat yourself with when you quit. You can save for a holiday, a new TV, put it towards a new car, or anything you want. When you have a goal to work towards, it makes going through the process of quitting smoking much more manageable.

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Everything You Need to Know About COSMELYFT in Woodbury

Cosmelyft is a therapy that employs the most cutting-edge techniques to address the various stages of aging effects on the face and neck. At COSMELYFT in Woodbury, a doctor administers COSMELYFT while using modern approaches to help people obtain the recognizable skin they desire. 

Prescription skin care may be advantageous if you have skin issues that are not resolved with over-the-counter skin care products.


Cosmelyft helps to restore the youthful appearance of the face and neck without the need for invasive procedures or a lengthy recovery period. For great results, significantly improve and invigorate your appearance. Make an appointment with the Cosmedoctor office by calling or scheduling online to start your journey to clear, beautiful skin.

Benefits of COSMELYFT

You can get young and youthful skin with the cosmelyft treatment plan:

  • It prevents the onset of some indications of aging 
  • Minimizes the emergence of visual signs of aging
  • Enhances and refines your characteristics.
  • Significantly reduces the appearance of aging on the face and neck
  • Restores the youthful features of your face
  • Tightens skin on the face and neck that has become loose.

When Should you Seek a Doctor?

By streamlining the patients’ experience, Cosmelyft treatment provides a modern approach to aesthetic medicine. Patients can also book services online and take advantage of Botox Boutique, which offers walk-in hours, memberships, and treatment savings. 

Patients receive a free consultation from identifying their difficulties, after which a detailed treatment plan is devised to enhance, repair, or improve their appearance as desired. Patients who want to improve their face or body through surgery can meet with one of the certified plastic surgeons and undergo treatment in a certified surgical suite. The unique methodology and individualized treatment plan ensure that our patients receive consistent results at a reasonable cost, allowing them to enjoy cutting-edge results without cutting.

Treatment of COSMELYFT

There are many easily available options in the market today, all of which promise to give you excellent skin. However, prescription skin care may be beneficial if skin issues are not resolved with over-the-counter skin care products. Below are some of the methods of Cosmelyft:

  • Injectables and Dermal Fillers
  • RF (radiofrequency) Skin Tightening
  • Microblading
  • HydraFacial
  • Full-Service Plastic Surgery

Cosmelyft helps to restore the youthful appearance of the face and neck without the need for invasive treatment or a recovery period. Significantly improve and revitalize your appearance for fantastic results. To begin your path to clear, beautiful skin.

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